April 15, 2012

What is the Happiness?

What's the happiness we wait for?
Is it a day I've come here,
A far and strange country? 
"Hello Mom!" - I heard behind

A gentle smile with bright eyes,
Makes my heart fill up with joy...
Small angel's in front of me,
Bring to me a handful small stones.

What's the Happiness we wait for?
Question always wonders in my mind.
Is it the day I went to the garden
With the sadness flow up my soul,
For the love I have just left.
Oh, friends! There is an old man
Say hello me by blind eyes.

With a grace that I've never seen.
Ask me join in his simple meal.
What's the Happiness we wait for?
I always wonder in my mind.
Please help me answer this small question.
Is it the wealth or the fame in life?
I always wonder in my mind......

Nancy Nguyễn

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